bakti desa 2019

At 3 until 5 january 2019 , My school held the event that is bakdes"Bakti desa" at cibereum village.
At this event student help citizen who live at there places. Student do what citizen do like work,activity,and others.At this event every student have group, every group have four students. Every group have foster parents anfd my foster parents there are Mr.Ujang and Mrs. Eteh. At this event student can take many benefits because there are so many experience for student who live at the city. At the village i can see that we need hard work to earn money and  so far away to do work.

After this event  i can see many problems at that village , one of then there is water storage. At that village at my foster parents's house they havent water storage and it make water flowing down before we use and at islam that is mubazir . After i see that incident i wanna solve that with make water storage.


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