Maa Dream

Hello guys my name is Muhamad Rivaldi Kusumawardana and you can call me Aldi,. I was born on 31th August 2001 at Bandung.Now I am studying at Senior High school of 3 Bandung before that  I studied and graduated  at  High school of 1 Bandung  and before that I studied and graduated at elementary school of Raya Barat. When I studied at elementary school my hobby was playing football and at that school I always got rank around 1-3 and i graduated at that school  with top three who got big score at that school.After that i studied at High school of 1 Bandung  and i graduated  at that school  with top three who got big score at that school. now i am studying at  Senior High school of 3 Bandung. My habit  from the past until now i always wake up early morning and after all i never late go to school, if I late go to school because of an important things like i go to doctor and others.
I think i am the person who can change the world because everyone can do that but to do that we need hard work.Every person have strength and weakness. My strength there are on time, have high spirit if have goals and some motivation,friendly, serious,and care.My weakness there are easy go down,need motivation and goals,shy person,not cofident,weak ath public speaking,and nervous.After i see that i think wanna be businessman , i want have hotel in Arab because i want eat meat camel and i want all that because i think its halal to earn money.Before i wanna be businessman i want study at I STEI ITB  to get S1 and after i want  study at University Al azhar faculty of commerace to get Master.How to get all my dream there are i must hard work,study hard,diligent,good at public speaking,and good at english and arab language.


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