My experience

I have a experience can changed me.Im very thankful to all someone who help in Junior high school.My mother is one of the all someone.When I was class 9 I will do UN .My mother gave me motivation to do UN.My father is one of the all someone.My father picked up me after the tutoring.My two sister are two of the all someone.My two sister helped me if i dont understand about the lesson.My all teacher teached  all of subjects in the school.My all friend supported me.God Granted my pray.

When 3 day to do UN i was sick .I was hospitalized at hospital.I was sad beacause cant do UN.At hospital i studied all subjects of UN.My mom was acompany me at hospital.At hospital i prayed to heal me and i can do UN.First day UN was Languege Indonesian but I cant do that because i got home and Second day i was do UN Matemathics and i was serious do that.Third day  i was do UN language English and i was so panic because so very hard.At last day I was do Un science and i enjoyed the Un because All of I had read appeared.A few days later I was do Un Language Indonesian and   i enjoyed the Un because All of I had read appeared.

A few days later was shared value of UN.I suprised because my value was big .I was be grateful.A few weeks  later . I was register to High school of 3 Bandung and i was accepted by High school of 3 Bandung and I was be grateful and thankful to  all someone who help in Junior high school.


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